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Displaying 1 - 63 of 63
Faculty Designation Location Phone No Research Interests
Prof. Amit Agrawal Prof. Amit Professor F17, ME Department (+91)-22-25767516

Turbulence, PIV, Heat Transfer, Rarefied Gas Flows, Microfluidics

Prof. Alankar Alankar Prof. Alankar Professor S 02, ME Department (+91)-22-25769356

Materials Informatics, Crystal Plasticity, Multiscale Computational Mechanics of Materials, Machi

Prof. Milind Atrey Prof. Milind Professor F 09, ME Department (+91)-22-25767522

Refrigeration,Cryogenic Engineering,Cryocoolers, Cryogenic Heat Exchangers, 

Prof. Sridhar Balasubramanian Prof. Sridhar Professor S 09, ME Department +91)-22-25767541

PIV, Flow and turbulence measurement using optical means., Experimental fluid

Prof. Dipanshu Bansal Prof. Dipanshu Associate Professor F 40, ME Department (+91)-22-25767508

Non-Fourier Heat Transfer (in nanomaterials and from nano heat sources such as transistors)

Prof. Tanmay K. Bhandakkar Prof. Tanmay K. Professor F-34, ME Department (+91)-22-25767537

Elasticity, Analytical and numerical methods, Contact Mechanics, Fracture mechanics

Prof. U. V. Bhandarkar Prof. U. V. Professor F 42, ME Department (+91)-22-25767594

Particulate Characterization and Emission Control, Heat transfer in nanofluids, 

Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj Prof. Rajneesh Professor S 36, ME Department (+91)-22-25767534

Droplets, Interfaces, Fluid Structure Interaction, CFD

Prof. Abhilash J. Chandy Prof. Abhilash J. Professor S37, ME Department (+91)-22-25769352

TFE, Turbulence, Computational Fluid Dynamics, LES/DNS for complex transitional and turbulent flo

Dr. Anjishnu Choudhury Dr.  Anjishnu Assistant Professor S-01B, ME Department (+91)-22-2576-7535

Complex fluids, Interfacial flows, Bio-fluid mechanics, Granular flows, Liquid crystals

Prof. Arindrajit Chowdhury Prof. Arindrajit Professor , Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory (+91)-22-25767504

Combustion Visualization and Optical Diagnostics, Combustion of Energetic Materials (Propellants

Prof. Prashant P. Date Prof. Prashant P. Professor F 13, ME Department (+91)-22-25767511

Metal Forming Processes, Formability, Shopfloor Metallic waste processing, Powder Metallurgy, Met

Prof. Amitava De Prof. Amitava Professor F 15, ME Department (+91)-22-25767509

Joining, Additive Manufacturing, Numerical Modeling

Prof. Pradeep Dixit Prof. Pradeep Associate Professor S 11, ME Department (+91)-22-25767393

MEMS, Microfabrication, Microsystems Packaging, 3D Interconnections, Non-conventional Machining

Prof. P. S. Gandhi Prof. P. S. Professor S30, ME Department (+91)-22-25767519

Robotics, Mechatronics, multi-scale manufacturing using fluid instabilities, 3D Microprinting, Dy

Prof. R. Ganesh Prof. R. Assistant Professor S 25, ME Department (+91)-22-25767137

Metamaterials, Waves and Vibrations, Applied Mechanics

Prof. Amol A. Gokhale Prof. Amol A. Emeritus Fellow S05, ME Department (+91)-22-25767399

Shock- Material Interactions, Metal Foams, High temperature materials, Fatigue and Fracture in ma

Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan Prof. Shivasubramanian Associate Professor S 15, ME Department (+91)-22-25767524

Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Mul

Prof. Anirban Guha Prof. Anirban Professor S 31, ME Department (+91)-22-25767590

Kinematics and robotics, AI/ML for industrial problems, impact resistant structures

Prof. Abhishek Gupta Prof. Abhishek Associate Professor S 32, ME Department (+91)-22-25767523

Robotics and controls, Human-robot interaction, Assistive devices for rehabilitation.

Prof. Ankit Jain Prof. Ankit Associate Professor F32, ME Department (+91) 22 2576 9363

Designing next-generation materials for energy applications. 

Prof. Krishna N Jonnalagadda Prof. Krishna N Professor S22, ME Department (+91)-22-25767538
Prof. S. S. Joshi Prof. S. S. Professor (Currently Director,IIT Indore) F 36, ME Department (+91)-22-25767527

Ultra precision machining (UPM) processes, Modeling and machining of 'difficult to machine' mater

Prof. Shyamprasad Karagadde Prof. Shyamprasad Professor S 42, ME Department (+91)-22-25767398

Computational and Data methods, Solidification, Microstructures, Transport phenomena X-ray Imagin

Prof. V. Kartik Prof. V. Professor F 12, ME Department (+91)-22-25767540

Dynamics, vibrations and control, Nano- and micro-scale devices, Electric and Hybrid Electric Veh

Prof. K. P. Karunakaran Prof. K. P. Professor RM Lab, ME Department (+91)-22-25767530

Rapid Manufacturing, CNC Technology & Automation, Computer Graphics for CAM Applications, Rot

Prof. Shankar Krishnan Prof. Shankar Associate Professor S 27, ME Department (+91)-22-25769354

Heat Transfer, Thermal Management of Electronics, Non-traditional Thermal Desalination

Prof. Makarand. Shrikrishna. Kulkarni Prof. Makarand. Shrikrishna. Professor S-10, ME Department (+91)-22-25769355

Reliability Engineering, Maintenance Planning, Quality Engineering, Digital Twins for Industry 4.

Prof. Salil S. Kulkarni Prof. Salil S. Professor F38, ME Department (+91)-22-25767513

Computational Mechanics, Applied Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method, Wave

Prof. Abhijeet Kumar Prof. Abhijeet Assistant Professor S17A, Mechanical Engineering +91-22-2576-7532

Thermal and fluid engineering

Prof. Neeraj Kumbhakarna Prof. Neeraj Associate Professorr N-4 Bay, Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory (+91)-22-25767397

TFE, Combustion Visualization and Optical Diagnostics, Computational fluid dynamics and heat tran

Prof. Dhanesh N. Manik Prof. Dhanesh N. Professor S 41, ME Department (+91)-22-25767542

Design Engineering

Prof. Deepak Marla Prof. Deepak Associate Professor F 36, ME Department (+91)-22-25769361

Laser Materials Processing, Ultra-short Pulsed Laser Ablation, Electrochemical Machining, Electri

Prof. Sushil Mishra Prof. Sushil Professor S 14, ME Department (+91)-22-25767391

Metal-forming, Microstrure, Materials Model, Fatigue & Fracture, Residual stress, Thermo-mech

Prof. Rakesh G. MOTE Prof. Rakesh G. Professor S-38, 2nd Floor, ME Department (+91)-22-25767529

Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and Laser based micro/nano-fabrication, Plasmonics for sensing and beam ma

Prof. Soham Mujumdar Prof. Soham Associate Professor S 23, ME Department (+91)-22-25767512

Micromanufacturing, Surface Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Sustainability

Prof. Janani Srree Murallidharan Prof. Janani Srree Associate Professor THTF Lab, THTF (+91)-22-25769360

Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Experimental fluid dynamics and heat transfer, Flow

Prof. Sanjay S. Pande Prof. Sanjay S. Adjunct Professor S 03, ME Department (+91)-22-25767545

CAD/CAM/CIM, Geometric reasoning and Feature based modeling, AI/ML applications in Design / Manuf

Prof. Shrinidhi S. Pandurangi Prof. Shrinidhi S. Assistant Professor S17B, ME Department (+91)-22-25767544

Stability and Bifurcation Theory, Continuum Mechanics, Lithium-ion Batteries, Multiphysics proble

Prof. Dnyanesh Pawaskar Prof. Dnyanesh Associate Professor S 28, ME Department (+91)-22-25722545

Solid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, engineering optimization

Prof. S. V. Prabhu Prof. S. V. Professor S 24, ME Department (+91)-22-25767515

Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Flowmetering, Hydrokinetic turbines and wind turbines, Impinging

Prof. Bhalchandra Puranik Prof. Bhalchandra Professor F 11, ME Department (+91)-22-25767536

Compressible Fluid Dynamics and Shock Waves, High-Knudsen Number High-Speed Internal and External

Prof. Sripriya Ramamoorthy Prof. Sripriya Professor S29, ME Department (+91)-22-25769353

Acoustics, Vibrations, Hearing, Porous materials, Multi-functional materials

Prof M V Rane Prof M V Professor 203, Heat Pump Laboratory at IIT Bombay (+91)-22-25767514

Energy Conservation, HVAC&R and Alternate Energy Resouces

Prof. Avishek Ranjan Prof. Avishek Assistant Professor S 20, ME Department (+91)-22-25769362

DNS of turbulent flows with rotation, buoyancy/stratification and magnetic field

Prof. B. Ravi Prof. B. Institute Chair Professor (Currently Director, NIT Surathkal) S34, ME Department (+91)-22-25764399
  • Metal casting design & simulation
  • Medical device innovation & entrepreneursh
Prof. Sandip Kumar Saha Prof. Sandip Kumar Professor S16, ME Department (+91)-22-25767392

Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Renewable energy and energy storage, Multiphase flow

Prof. Vivek Sangwan Prof. Vivek Assistant Professor S13, ME Department (+91)-22-25769357

Robotics, Mechatronics, Dynamics, Control

Prof. P. Seshu Prof. P. Professor,(Ex.Director, IIT Dharwad) S 39, ME Department (+91)-22-25767525

Computational Mechanics (Finite elements, stress & vibration analysis)

Prof. Darshan S. Shah Prof. Darshan S. Assistant Professor S21, ME Department (+91)-22-25767518

Musculoskeletal Biomechanics, Orthopaedics, Frugal Biomechanics, In-vitro testing, Mechanical Des

Prof. Atul Sharma Prof. Atul Rahul Bajaj Chair Professor(Head of the Department) F-31/ME Office, ME Department (+91)-22-25767505

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Multi-Fluid Dynamics, and Computational Fluid Structu

Prof. Sreedhara Sheshadri Prof. Sreedhara Professor S 35 Second floor MECH-building, ME Department (+91)-22-25767597

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulent Combustion, Engine Combustion, LES/DNS of complex turbule

Prof. Amber Shrivastava Prof. Amber Associate Professor S 04, ME Building (+91)-22-25769358

Solid State Joining, Additive Manufacturing, Sustainable Manufacturing, Friction Welding, Wire Ar

Prof. Gurminder Singh Prof. Gurminder Assistant Professor S19, ME Department (+91)-22-25767526

Additive Manufacturing, BioManufacturing, BioMaterials, Polymers, ceramics and Metal foams, CAD/C

Prof. Amit Singh Prof. Amit Associate Professor S26, ME Department (+91)-22-25765363

Continuum Mechanics, Multiscale methods, Statistical Mechanics, Biomechanics, Heat conduction, Tr

Prof. Ramesh Singh Prof. Ramesh Professor Machine Tools Lab, ME Department (+91)-22-25767507

High-speed micromachining, Flexible reconfigurable fiber laser based materials processing, Novel

Prof. Arunkumar Sridharan Prof. Arunkumar Professor THTF, ME Department (+91)-22-25767580

Heat Transfer, Experimental fluid dynamics and heat transfer, Two phase flow and heat transfer, N

Prof. Atul Srivastava Prof. Atul Professor F 07, ME Department (+91)-22-25767531

Heat and Mass Transfer, Two phase flows, Bioheat transfer, Optical techniques for whole field mea

Prof. Shashikanth Suryanarayan Prof. Shashikanth Associate Professor F 33, ME Department (+91)-22-25767546

Control Systems Design, Mechatronics

Prof. Parag U. Tandaiya Prof. Parag U. Associate Professor S 18, ME Department (+91)-22-25767528

Fracture mechanics, Finite element modeling, Computational Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Behaviour

Prof. Asim Tewari Prof. Asim Professor Transit BLDG, Transit BLDG (+91)-22-25767521

Internet of Things - Product Development, Smart Manufacturing, "Big Data" in Manufacturing, Appli

Prof. Rajendra P. Vedula Prof. Rajendra P. Professor THTF, ME Department (+91)-22-25767547

Thermal and Fluid Engineering

Prof. Nitesh P. Yelve Prof. Nitesh P. Assistant Professor S 33, ME Department (+91)-22-25767520

Vibration, Machinery diagnostics, Guided wave-based SHM, Fibre-reinforced composites