ME Department
F17amit.agrawal 'at' [figure this out if you are not a bot]
Prof. Amit Agrawal
Turbulence, PIV, Heat Transfer, Rarefied Gas Flows, Microfluidics
PhD, University of Delaware, USA, 2002
BTech, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, 1996
BTech, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, 1996
Post Doctoral Research Fellow: University of Newcastle, Australia, 2003-2004.
Engineer: Tata Motors (Telco), Pune, India, 1996-1998.
Sharma H., John K., Gaddam A., Navalkar A., Maji S.K., Agrawal A, A magnet-actuated biomimetic device for isolating biological entities in microwells,Scientific Reports, 1, 2018,
Hemadri V., Agrawal A., Bhandarkar U.V, Determination of tangential momentum accommodation coefficient and slip coefficients for rarefied gas flow in a microchannel,Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 2018,
Gavasane A., Agrawal A., Bhandarkar U, Study of rarefied gas flows in backward facing micro-step using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo,Vacuum, 2018,
Yadav H., Agrawal A., Self-similar behavior of turbulent impinging jet based upon outer scaling and dynamics of secondary peak in heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2018,
Krishnan H., Agrawal A., Sharma A., Thompson M., Sheridan J., Characteristics of force coefficients and energy transfer for vortex shedding modes of a square cylinder subjected to inline excitation,Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018,