Institute Chair Professor (Currently Director, NIT Surathkal)
ME Department
S34b.ravi 'at' [iitb dot ac dot in]
Prof. B. Ravi
- Metal casting design & simulation
- Medical device innovation & entrepreneurship
Ph.D, IISc Bangalore, 1992 | B.E., NIT Rourkela, 1986
- Principal Investigator, Biomedical Engineering & Technology Innovation Centre, IIT Bombay
- Principal Investigator, ICMR-DHR CoE; BIRAC ETA, E-Foundry & OrthoCAD projects, IIT Bombay
- Associate Faculty & former Head, Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship, IIT Bombay 2019-2022
- Chair, DST Sub-Committee, Biomedical Device & Technology Development Program, 2022-2027
- Chair, AICTE Committee for revision of UG model curriculum in Mechanical Engineering, 2021-2022
- Chair, DBT Technical Expert Committee, Biomedical Engineering & Bio-design (Devices), 2018-2022
- Member, ICMR Technical Advisory Committee, Medical Devices & Diagnostics Mission, since 2021
- Member, MeitY Working Group on R&D in Medical Electronics & Health Informatics, 2021-2024
- Member, NITI Aayog Consultative Group, Industry Vertical (Medical Sector), 2021-2022
- Member, SERB Program Advisory Committee, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Aerospace & Robotics, 2020-2022
- Member, BIRAC Technical Expert Committees for BIG, BIPP, SBIRI, PACE and SITARE schemes, since 2017
- Member, Steering Board, UK-India Innovation Club, Science & Innovation Network, since 2021.
Sata A., Ravi B., Bayesian inference-based investment-casting defect analysis system for industrial application, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017,
Sata A., Ravi B., Foundry data analytics to identify critical parameters affecting mechanical properties of investment castings, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE),, 2017,
Krishnan A.A., Ghyar R., Ravi B, Comparison of four modular TKA prosthesis designs using static finite element analysis, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2017,
Srai J.S., Kumar M., Graham G., Phillips W., Tooze J., Ford S., Beecher P., Raj B., Gregory M., Tiwari M.K., Ravi B., Neely A., Shankar R., Charnley F., Tiwari A., Distributed manufacturing: scope, challenges and opportunities, International Journal of Production Research, 2016,
Ravi B, SMART Foundry, IEEE Potentials, 2016,