Prof. B. Ravi Publications
Sata A., Ravi B., Bayesian inference-based investment-casting defect analysis system for industrial application, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017,
Sata A., Ravi B., Foundry data analytics to identify critical parameters affecting mechanical properties of investment castings, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE),, 2017,
Krishnan A.A., Ghyar R., Ravi B, Comparison of four modular TKA prosthesis designs using static finite element analysis, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2017,
Srai J.S., Kumar M., Graham G., Phillips W., Tooze J., Ford S., Beecher P., Raj B., Gregory M., Tiwari M.K., Ravi B., Neely A., Shankar R., Charnley F., Tiwari A., Distributed manufacturing: scope, challenges and opportunities, International Journal of Production Research, 2016,
Ravi B, SMART Foundry, IEEE Potentials, 2016,
Renukananda K.H., Ravi B., Multi-Gate Systems in Casting Process: Comparative Study of Liquid Metal and Water Flow, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016,
Sata A., Ravi B., Novel Bayesian inference based approach to identify critical parameters affecting mechanical properties of investment castings,, 72nd World Foundry Congress, WFC, 2016,
Khandelwal H., Ravi B, Effect of molding parameters on chemically bonded sand mold properties, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016,
Khandelwal H., Renukananda K.H., Ravi B, Multi-spiral flow benchmark for small thin-wall castings supported by computer simulation, 72nd World Foundry Congress, WFC , 2016,
Krishnan A.A., Ghyar R., Ravi B, Effect of modularity on the fatigue performance of tibial tray designs in TKA prostheses, Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2016,
Ravi B., Sivaraman S., Sasikumar R., Marwah A.M, Indigenous Development and Industrial Application of Metal Casting Simulation Software, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2015,
Khandelwal H., Ravi B., Effect of binder composition on the shrinkage of chemically bonded sand cores, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2015,
Karade V., Ravi B.,, 3D femur model reconstruction from biplane X-ray images: a novel method based on Laplacian surface deformation, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2015,
Nagahanumaiah, Ravi B, Indirect Rapid Tooling, Comprehensive Materials Processing, 2014,
Ravi B., E-foundry: Free online learning resources in casting design and simulation, 71st World Foundry Congress: Advanced Sustainable Foundry, WFC, 2014,
Sata A., Ravi B, Comparison of some neural network and multivariate regression for predicting mechanical properties of investment casting, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014,
Sutaria M., Ravi B., Computation of casting solidification feed-paths using gradient vector method with various boundary conditions, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014,
Karade V., Ravi B, Analysis on anatomical references to assess the coronal alignment of tibial and femoral cuts in mega prosthetic knee replacement, Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2014,
Sutaria M., Ravi B., Gradient vector method for computing feed-paths and hot-spots during casting solidification,, Proceedings of the 37th International MATADOR 2012 Conference, 2013,
Shinde V.D., Joshi D., Ravi B., Narasimhan K., Optimization of mold yield in multicavity sand castings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013,
Shinde V.D., Ravi B., Narasimhan K, Effect of casting orientation, thickness and composition on solidification structure and properties of ductile iron castings, Proceedings of the 37th International MATADOR 2012 Conference,, 2013,
Shinde V.D., Ravi B., Narasimhan K, Effect of orientation, thickness, and composition on properties of ductile iron castings, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2013,
Ghyar R., Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M, Adaptive probabilistic approach for selecting tumour knee prosthesis, Computer Science and Information Systems, 2013,
Shinde V.D., Ravi B., Narasimhan K., Solidification behaviour and mechanical properties of ductile iron castings with varying thickness, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2012,
Karade V., Ravi B., Agarwal M., Extramedullary versus intramedullary tibial cutting guides in megaprosthetic total knee replacement, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2012,
Sutaria M., Gada V.H., Sharma A., Ravi B.,, Computation of feed-paths for casting solidification using level-set-method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012,
Ravi B, Casting solidification feed-path computation and industrial application, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2012,
Sutaria M., Joshi D., Jagdishwar M., Ravi B., ,Automatic optimization of casting feeders using feed-paths generated by VEM, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE, 2011,
Agarwal M., Gulia A., Ravi B., Ghyar R., Puri A., Revision of broken knee megaprostheses: New solution to old problems, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2010,
Joshi D., Ravi B, Quantifying the shape complexity of cast parts, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2010,
Joshi D., Ravi B, Early castability evaluation using analytical hierarchy process,, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M., Computer-aided methods for assessing lower limb deformities in orthopaedic surgery planning, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2010,
Joshi D., Ravi B, Minimizing porosity in cast junctions, Metal Casting Design and Purchasing, 2010,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M.G, Computerized Assessment of Excessive Femoral and Tibial Torsional Deformation by 3D Anatomical Landmarks Referencing, IFMBE Proceedings, 2009,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M.G, Tumour Knee Replacement Planning in a 3D Graphics System, IFMBE Proceedings, 2009,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M.G, Automated 3D geometric reasoning in computer assisted joint reconstructive surgery, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE, 2009,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M., Automated identification of anatomical landmarks on 3D bone models reconstructed from CT scan images, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2009,
Nagahanumaiah, Ravi B., Effects of injection molding parameters on shrinkage and weight of plastic part - Produced by DMLS mold, Rapid Prototyping Journal,, 2009,
Ravi B., Agarwal M., Computer-aided development of mega endo-prostheses, Bio-Materials and Prototyping Applications in Medicine, 2008,
Ravi B., Joshi D., Singh K., Part, tooling and method optimisation driven by castability analysis and cost model, 68th World Foundry Congress 2008, WFC , 2008,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., Agarwal M.G., 3D shape reasoning for identifying anatomical landmarks,, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2008,
Subburaj K., Suresh P., Anasane S.S., Ravi B., Agarwal M.G., Geometry driven decision support system for knee tumour mega endo-prosthesis components selection, Proceedings of the 3rd Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference and Exhibition, 2008,
Nagahanumaiah, Subburaj K., Ravi B, Computer aided rapid tooling process selection and manufacturability evaluation for injection mold development, Computers in Industry, 2008,
Subburaj K., Ravi B., High resolution medical models and geometric reasoning starting from CT/MR images, Proceedings of 2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics , 2007,
Pal D., Ravi B., Rapid tooling route selection and evaluation for sand and investment casting, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2007,
Pal D.K., Raychaudhuri T.K., Ravi B., Subburaj K, Rapid Tooling route selection and evaluation for sand and investment casting, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping: Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing Advanced Research Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, 2007,
Akarte M.M., Ravi B., Casting product-process-producer compatibility evaluation and improvement, International Journal of Production Research, 2007,
Subburaj K., Nair C., Rajesh S., Meshram S.M., Ravi B., Rapid development of auricular prosthesis using CAD and rapid prototyping technologies, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,, 2007,
Hanumaiah N., Ravi B., Rapid tooling form accuracy estimation using region elimination adaptive search based sampling technique, Rapid Prototyping Journal,, 2007,
Pal D.K., Ravi B., Bhargava L.S., Rapid tooling route selection for metal casting using QFD-ANP methodology, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2007,
Nagahanumaiah, Ravi B., Mukherjee N.P, Rapid tooling manufacturability evaluation using fuzzy-AHP methodology, International Journal of Production Research,, 2007,
Chougule R.G., Ravi B., Casting cost estimation in an integrated product and process design environment, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2006,
Hanumaiah N., Ravi B., Mukherjee N.P, Rapid hard tooling process selection using QFD-AHP methodology, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2006,
Pal D.K., Bhargava L.S., Ravi B., Chandrasekhar U.,, Computer-aided reverse engineering for rapid replacement of parts, Defence Science Journal, 2006,
Patil S., Ravi B, Voxel-based representation, display and thickness analysis of intricate shapes, Proceedings - Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/CG, 2005,
Nagahanumaiah, Mukherjee N.P., Ravi B., An integrated framework for die and mold cost estimation using design features and tooling parameters, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,, 2005,
Chougule R.G., Ravi B., Variant process planning of castings using AHP-based nearest neighbour algorithm for case retrieval, International Journal of Production Research, 2005,
Akarte M.M., Surendra N.V., Ravi B., Rangaraj N., Web based casting supplier evaluation using analytical hierarchy process, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2001,
Ravi B., Intelligent design of gating channels for casting, Materials Science and Technology, 1997,
Ravi B., Srinivasan M.N, Casting solidification analysis by modulus vector method, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 1996,
Ravi B., Srinivasan M.N., Features-based castability evaluation, International Journal of Production Research, 1995,
Ravi B., Srinivasan M.N., Decision criteria for computer-aided parting surface design, Computer-Aided Design, 1990,
Ravi B., Srinivasan M.N., Computer aided parting surface generation, 1990,