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Prof. Tanmay K. Bhandakkar Publications

Vemulapally A., Kali R., Bhandakkar T.K., Mukhopadhyay A, Transformation Plasticity Provides Insights into Concurrent Phase Transformation and Stress Relaxation Observed during Electrochemical Li Alloying of Sn Thin Film, Journal of Physical Chemistry , 2018,
Singh D.K., Maiti S.K., Bhandakkar T.K., Raman R.K.S., Cohesive zone based axisymmetric modelling of hydrogen-assisted cracking in a circumferentially notched tensile specimen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018,
Vasu T.S., Bhandakkar T.K., Plane strain cylindrical indentation of functionally graded half-plane with exponentially varying shear modulus in the presence of residual surface tension, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018,
Kant A., Bhandakkar T.K., Medhekar N.V., Stress enhanced calcium kinetics in a neuron,Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2018,
Singh D.K., Singh Raman R.K., Maiti S.K., Bhandakkar T.K., Pal S, Investigation of role of alloy microstructure in hydrogen-assisted fracture of AISI 4340 steel using circumferentially notched cylindrical specimens,Materials Science and Engineering , 2017,
Singh D.K., Maiti S.K., Bhandakkar T.K., Raman R.K.S, Efficient approach for cohesive zone based three-dimensional analysis of hydrogen-assisted cracking of a circumferentially notched round tensile specimen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017,
Karuriya A.N., Bhandakkar T.K, Plane strain indentation on finite thickness bonded layer in couple stress elasticity, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017,
Singh G., Bhandakkar T.K., Analytical investigation of binder's role on the diffusion induced stresses in Lithium ion battery through a representative system of spherical isolated electrode particle enclosed by binder, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2017,
Vasu T.S., Bhandakkar T.K., A study of the contact of an elastic layer-substrate system indented by a long rigid cylinder incorporating surface effects, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 2016,
Vasu T.S., Bhandakkar T.K., Semi-analytical solution to plane strain loading of elastic layered coating on an elastic substrate,Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 2015,
Bhandakkar T.K., Johnson H.T.,, Diffusion induced stresses in buckling battery electrodes, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012,
Kim S., Su Y., Mihi A., Lee S., Liu Z., Bhandakkar T.K., Wu J., Geddes J.B., Johnson H.T., Zhang Y., Park J.-K., Braun P.V., Huang Y., Rogers J.A, Imbricate scales as a design construct for microsystem technologies,Small, 2012,
Bhandakkar T.K., Gao H., Cohesive modeling of crack nucleation in a cylindrical electrode under axisymmetric diffusion induced stresses, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011,
Murali P., Bhandakkar T.K., Cheah W.L., Jhon M.H., Gao H., Ahluwalia R, Role of modulus mismatch on crack propagation and toughness enhancement in bioinspired composites,Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2011,
Bhandakkar T.K., Chason E., Gao H., Analytical model of transient compressive stress evolution during growth of high diffusivity thin films on substrates,Philosophical Magazine, 2010,
Bhandakkar T.K., Gao H., Cohesive modeling of crack nucleation under diffusion induced stresses in a thin strip: Implications on the critical size for flaw tolerant battery electrodes, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010,
Bhandakkar T.K., Chng A.C., Curtin W.A., Gao H, Dislocation shielding of a cohesive crack, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010,
Song J., Curtin W.A., Bhandakkar T.K., Gao H.J, Dislocation shielding and crack tip decohesion at the atomic scale,Acta Materialia, 2010,
Bhandakkar T.K., Chason E., Gao H., Formation of crack-like diffusion wedges and compressive stress evolution during thin film growth with inhomogeneous grain boundary diffusivity, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2009,
Bhandakkar T.K., Wei Y., Gao H, Transient stress concentration in diffusional creep of a thin foil with heterogeneous grain boundary diffusivity,Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2009,
Bhandakkar T.K., Jog C.S, An alternative numerical implementation of the Burnett family of acoustic infinite elements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2005,