Prof. Milind Atrey Publications
Ramalingam R., Atrey M.D., Theoretical analysis and coating thickness determination of a dual layer metal coated FBG sensor for sensitivity enhancement at cryogenic temperatures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Shukla A.K., Sridharan A., Atrey M.D, Investigation of transient chill down phenomena in tubes using liquid nitrogen, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Bhojwani V., Inamdar A., Lele M., Tendolkar M., Atrey M., Bapat S., Narayankhedkar K, Opposed piston linear compressor driven two-stage Stirling Cryocooler for cooling of IR sensors in space application,Cryogenics, 2017,
Patankar A.S., Atrey M.D., Construction of Joule Thomson inversion curves for mixtures using equation of state, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,, 2017,
Dev A.A., Atrey M.D., Vanapalli S, Investigation of the effect of a bend in a transfer line that separates a pulse tube cold head and a pressure wave generator, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Damle R.M., Ardhapurkar P.M., Atrey M.D, Numerical simulation of tubes-in-tube heat exchanger in a mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Goyal M., Chakravarty A., Atrey M.D., Numerical studies on sizing/ rating of plate fin heat exchangers for a modified Claude cycle based helium liquefier/ refrigerator, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Muley P.K., Bapat S.L., Atrey M.D, Design analysis of a Helium re-condenser,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Desai A.B., Desai K.P., Naik H.B., Atrey M.D, Optimization of thermoacoustic engine driven thermoacoustic refrigerator using response surface methodology, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Goyal M., Chakravarty A., Atrey M.D., Experimental investigations and validation of two dimensional model for multistream plate fin heat exchangers,Cryogenics, 2017,
Jadhav M., Chakravarty A., Atrey M.D, Theoretical study on the efficacy of the cold compressor based cryogenic cycles,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Damle R.M., Ardhapurkar P.M., Atrey M.D, Numerical investigation of transient behaviour of the recuperative heat exchanger in a MR J-T cryocooler using different heat transfer correlations,Cryogenics, 2016,
Badgujar A.D., Atrey M.D., Theoretical and experimental investigation of pressure drop and refrigeration effect in pulse tube cryocooler,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016,
Ardhapurkar P.M., Atrey M.D, Prediction of two-phase pressure drop in heat exchanger for mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015,
Damle R., Atrey M., Performance analysis of a miniature Joule-Thomson cryocooler with and without the distributed J-T ffect, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015,
Gujarati P.B., Desai K.P., Naik H.B., Atrey M.D, Transient analysis of single stage GM type double inlet pulse tube cryocooler,, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015,
Damle R.M., Ardhapurkar P.M., Atrey M.D., Numerical analysis of the two-phase heat transfer in the heat exchanger of a mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler,Cryogenics, 2015,
Damle R.M., Atrey M.D., The cool-down behaviour of a miniature Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryocooler with distributed J-T effect and finite reservoir capacity,Cryogenics, 2015,
Badgujar A.D., Atrey M.D.,, Theoretical and experimental investigations on Stirling-type pulse tube cryocoolers with U-type configuration to achieve temperature below 20 K,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015,
Damle R.M., Atrey M.D., Transient simulation of a miniature Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryocooler with and without the distributed J-T effect,Cryogenics, 2015,
Kalra S., Desai K.P., Naik H.B., Atrey M.D., Theoretical study on standing wave thermoacoustic engine,Physics Procedia, 2015,
Shaikh A.M.A.G., Srivastava A., Atrey M.D., Next generation design, development, and evaluation of cryoprobes for minimally invasive surgery and solid cancer therapeutics: In silico and computational studies, OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 2015,
Badgujar A.D., Naik H.B., Atrey M.D, Experimental investigation on stirling type thermally coupled three stage pulse tube cryocoolers with 'U' type configuration,Physics Procedia, 2015,
Ardhapurkar P.M., Atrey M.D., Performance optimization of a miniature Joule-Thomson cryocooler using numerical model,Cryogenics, 2014,
Ardhapurkar P.M., Sridharan A., Atrey M.D., Experimental investigation on temperature profile and pressure drop in two-phase heat exchanger for mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,
Ardhapurkar P.M., Sridharan A., Atrey M.D, Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients at cryogenic temperatures for multi-component refrigerant mixtures of nitrogen-hydrocarbons,Cryogenics, 2014,
Ardhapurkar P.M., Sridharan A., Atrey M.D, Performance evaluation of heat exchanger for mixed refrigerant J-T cryocooler,Cryogenics, 2014,
Goyal M., Chakravarty A., Atrey M.D., Two dimensional model for multistream plate fin heat exchangers,Cryogenics, 2014,
Bharathwaj V., Markan A., Atrey M., Neumann H., Ramalingam R.,, Fiber Bragg Gratings for distributed cryogenic temperature measurement in a tube in tube helically coiled heat exchanger, 2014,
Hatwar R., Ambad S., Kumbhalkar M.D., Singh T., Gandhi P.S., Atrey M.D., Joshi P., Joseph S., Phatak G., Development of a miniature Joule-Thomson refrigerator using LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) technique,Proceedings - ISPTS-1, 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, 2012,
Ardhapurkar P.-M., Sridharan A., Atrey M.-D, Investigations on two-phase heat exchanger for mixed refrigerant JouleThomson cryocooler,, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012,
Mehta R.N., Bapat S.L., Atrey M.D., Characterization of sorptioncompressor for mixed refrigerant J-T cryocooler, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012,
Mehta S.-M., Desai K.-P., Naik H.-B., Atrey M.-D, Onset behavior of standing wave thermoacoustic pressure wave generato, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012,
Walimbe N.S., Narayankhedkar K.G., Atrey M.D., Experimental investigation on mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler with flammable and non-flammable refrigerant mixtures,Cryogenics, 2010,
Rajinikumar R., Suber M., Narayankhedkar K.G., Krieg G., Atrey M.D., Design parameter evaluation of a metal recoated Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for measurement of cryogenic temperature or stress in superconducting devices,Cryogenics, 2009,
Bhojwani V.K., Atrey M.D., Narayankhedkar K.G., Bapat S.L., A two-stage stirling cryocooler driven by opposed piston linear compressor for space applications,AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008,
Desai S., Desai K.P., Naik H.B., Atrey M.D., Performance prediction of PTR for different pressure waveforms, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008,
Walimbe N.S., Narayankhedkar K.G., Atrey M.D., Experimental investigation on mixed refrigerant Joule Thomson (MR J-T) cryocooler, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008,
Rajinikumar R., Suesser M., Narayankhedkar K.G., Krieg G., Atrey M.D., Fiber bragg grating sensors for measuring temperature and strain simultaneously at cryogenic temperature, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008,
Rajini-Kumar R., Suesser M., Narayankhedkar K.G., Krieg G., Atrey M.D, Performance evaluation of metal-coated fiber Bragg grating sensors for sensing cryogenic temperature,Cryogenics, 2008,
Rajini-Kumar R., Suesser M., Narayankhedkar K.G., Krieg G., Atrey M.D., Performance evaluation of metal-coated fiber Bragg grating sensors for sensing cryogenic temperature,Cryogenics, 2008,
Atrey M.D., Healey A., Janaway T., McMahon A, Pulse tube refrigerator based cryogenic cooling circuit for NMR Cold Probes, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006,
Kirichek O., Carr P., Johnson C., Atrey M, Nuclear magnetic resonance magnet actively cooled by pulse tube refrigerator,Review of Scientific Instruments, 2005,
Gupta P., Atrey M.D., Performance evaluation of counter flow heat exchangers considering the effect of heat in leak and longitudinal conduction for low-temperature applications,Cryogenics, 2000,
Atrey M.D., Thermodynamic analysis of Collins helium liquefaction cycle,Cryogenics, 1998,
Atrey M.D., Heiden C., Performance evaluation of an optimized two-stage, free-displacer plastic stirling cryocooler with gap regenerator,Cryogenics,, 1996,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Heiden C, Development of a computer model for three-stage, split type, free displacer Stirling cryocooler,Cryogenics, 1994,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Narayankhedkar K.G, Influence of regenerator matrix and working fluid on optimisation of design parameters of Stirling cryocoolers,Cryogenics, 1994,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Heiden C., Optimisation of design parameters of two stage, split type, free displacer Stirling cryocooler,Cryogenics, 1994,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Narayankhedkar K.G, Optimization of design parameters of Stirling cycle machine,Cryogenics, 1993,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Narayankhedkar K.G, Theoretical analysis and performance investigation of Stirling cycle regenerators,Cryogenics, 1991,
Atrey M.D., Bapat S.L., Narayankhedkar K.G., Cyclic simulation of Stirling cryocoolers,Cryogenics, 1990,