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Prof. Darshan S. Shah Publications

Teoh YX, Alwan JK, Shah DS, Teh WT, Goh SL, A scoping review of applications of artificial intelligence in kinematics and kinetics of ankle sprains: Current state-of-the-art and future prospects, Clinical Biomechanics, 2024,
Goeminne S, Salaets E, Coudyzer W, Shah DS, Degreef I, Scheys L,, Evaluation of reliability of dynamic scapholunate distance measured on 4D CT-acquired images, Journal of Wrist Surgery, 2024,
Berger P, Shah DS, Taylan O, Slane J, De Corte R, Scheys L, Vandenneucker H, Influence of total knee replacement constraint on frontal plane stability: an ex vivo investigation within a single implant line, Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2023,
Robberecht J, Shah DS, Taylan O, Natsakis T, Vandeputte G, Vander Sloten J, Jonkers I, The role of medial ligaments and tibialis posterior in stabilising the medial longitudinal foot arch: A cadaveric gait simulator study, Foot and Ankle Surgery, 2022,
Shah DS, Taylan O, Verstraete M, Berger P, Vandenneucker H, Scheys L, Can intraoperative intra-articular loads predict postoperative knee joint laxity following total knee arthroplasty? a cadaver study with smart tibial trays, Sensors, 2021,
Weygers I, Kok M, Seel T, Shah DS, Taylan O, Scheys L, Hallez H, Claeys K, Reference in-vitro dataset for inertial-sensor-to-bone alignment applied to the tibiofemoral joint, Scientific Data, 2021,
Weygers I, Kok M, Seel T, Shah DS, Taylan O, Scheys L, Hallez H, Claeys K, In-vitro validation of inertial-sensor-to-bone alignment, Journal of Biomechanics, 2021,
Shah DS, Horwitz M, Kedgley AE, Extensor retinaculum excision does not affect wrist tendon forces: a cadaveric simulator study, Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume, 2020,
Weygers I, Kok M, Seel T, Olsson F, De Vroey H, Shah DS, Taylan O, Hallez H, Scheys L, Claeys K, An in vitro validation method for inertial-sensor-to-bone alignment, Gait & Posture, 2020,
Dandois F, De Buck S, Beckers L, Shah DS, Slane L, Vandenneucker H, Scheys L,, SCreg: A registration-based platform to compare unicondylar knee arthroplasty SPECT/CT scans, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2020,
Shah DS, Middleton C, Gurdezi S, Horwitz M, Kedgley AE, The effect of surgical treatments for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis on wrist biomechanics: A cadaver study, Journal of Hand Surgery American Volume, 2020,
Carpanen D, Kedgley AE, Shah DS, Edwards DS, Plant D, Masouros SD, Injury risk of interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints under impact loading, Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials, 2019,
Shah DS, Middleton C, Gurdezi S, Horwitz M, Kedgley AE, Alterations to wrist tendon forces following flexor carpi radialis or ulnaris sacrifice: A cadaveric simulator study, Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume, 2018,
Shah DS, Middleton C, Gurdezi S, Horwitz M, Kedgley AE, The importance of abductor pollicis longus in wrist motions: A physiological wrist simulator study, Journal of Biomechanics, 2018,
Garland AK, Shah DS, Kedgley AE, Wrist tendon moment arms: quantification by imaging and experimental techniques, Journal of Biomechanics, 2018,
Goislard de Monsabert B, Edwards D, Shah DS, Kedgley AE, Importance of consistent datasets in musculoskeletal modelling: a study of the hand and wrist, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2018,
Shah DS, Middleton C, Gurdezi S, Horwitz M, Kedgley AE, The effects of wrist motion and hand orientation on muscle forces: a physiologic wrist simulator study, Journal of Biomechanics, 2017,
Shah DS, Kedgley AE, Control of a wrist joint motion simulator: a phantom study, Journal of Biomechanics, 2016,
Shah DS, Ghyar R, Ravi B, Hegde C, Shetty V,, Morphological measurements of knees in Indian population: Comparison to knee prostheses, Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases, 2014,
Shah DS, Ghyar R, Ravi B, Shetty V, 3D morphological study of the Indian arthritic knee: comparison with other ethnic groups, Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases, 2013,