Prof. Bhalchandra Puranik Publications
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P.,, Collision induced dissociation cross-section for high energy N2-O2 collisions, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018,
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Cross-sections for O2 + N system using the QCT method, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018,
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Dissociation cross section for high energy O2-O2 collisions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018,
Jagad P.I., Puranik B.P., Date A.W, A finite volume procedure for fluid flow, heat transfer and solid-body stress analysis, International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 2018,
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Global potential energy surface of ground state singlet spin O4, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018,
Jagad P.I., Puranik B.P., Date A.W., A numerical analysis of fluid-structure interaction problem with a flow channel embedded in a structural material,, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 2017,
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P., An ab initio chemical reaction model for the direct simulation Monte Carlo study of non-equilibrium nitrogen flows, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017,
Deshpande A., Puranik B., A numerical investigation of shock propagation in three-dimensional microducts, Shock Waves,, 2017,
Mankodi T.K., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Dissociation cross sections for N2 + N → 3N and O2 + O → 3O using the QCT method, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017,
Tripathi D.K., Garg G., Agrawal U., Menezes V., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P., Ignition delay study of aluminium oxide liquid nano-fuel in a shock tube, Current Science, 2017,
Kumar N., Puranik B.P, Numerical study of convective heat transfer with nanofluids in turbulent flow using a Lagrangian-Eulerian approach, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,
Sonawane S., Bhandarkar U., Puranik B., Modeling forced convection nanofluid heat transfer using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2016,
Deshpande A., Puranik B, Effect of viscosity and wall heat conduction on shock attenuation in narrow channels, Shock Waves, 2016,
Watvisave D.S., Puranik B.P., Bhandarkar U.V., Modeling wall effects in a micro-scale shock tube using hybrid MD–DSMC algorithm, Shock Waves, 2016,
Kulkarni N.G., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P., Rao A.B, Experimental determination of thermal properties of alluvial soil, Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung, 2016,
Watvisave D.S., Puranik B.P., Bhandarkar U.V., A hybrid MD-DSMC coupling method to investigate flow characteristics of micro-devices, Journal of Computational Physics, 2015,
JAGAD P.I., PURANIK B.P., DATE A.W., A novel concept of measuring mass flow rates using flow induced stresses, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 2015,
Gokhale O.S., Puranik B.P., Ghosh A.K, Investigation of effect of ballooned fuel pins on quenching behavior: Design of experiment and preliminary analysis,, Nuclear Technology, 2015,
Ray M.P., Puranik B.P., Bhandarkar U.V.,, Development and assessment of several high-resolution schemes for compressible Euler equations, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014,
Gokhale O.S., Puranik B.P., Performance of two fluid model based numeric tool with pressure and enthalpy as independent variables for simulation of two phase flow in axial and radial direction, Kerntechnik, 2014,
Watvisave D.S., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Effects of wall conduction and rarefaction on shock propagation in a micro-channel, Shock Waves, 2014,
Chawla J.S., Suryanarayanan S., Puranik B., Sheridan J., Falzon B.G, Efficiency improvement study for small wind turbines through flow control, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2014,
Watvisave D.S., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P, Investigation of wall effects on flow characteristics of a high knudsen number nozzle, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2013,
Gokhale O.S., Puranik B.P., Ghosh A.K, Analytical study on degraded core quenching, Kerntechnik, 2013,
Sonawane S., Bhandarkar U., Puranik B., Sunil Kumar S, Convective heat transfer characterization of aviation turbine fuel-metal oxide nanofluids, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2012,
Chaudhari M.B., Puranik B., Agrawal A., Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Heat Sink in Presence of a Synthetic Jet, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2012,
Jagad P.I., Puranik B.P., Date A.W., An iterative procedure for the evaluation of a conjugate condition in heat transfer problems,, Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications,, 2012,
Watvisave D.S., Bhandarkar U.V., Puranik B.P., Numerical investigation of shock tube flow under rarefied conditions, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011,
Sonawane S., Patankar K., Fogla A., Puranik B., Bhandarkar U., Sunil Kumar S, An experimental investigation of thermo-physical properties and heat transfer performance of Al2O3-Aviation Turbine Fuel nanofluids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011,
Sonawane S., Bhandarkar U., Puranik B., Sunil Kumar S., Effect of particle size in aviation turbine fuel-Al 2O 3 nanofluids for heat transfer applications, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011,
Jagad P.I., Puranik B.P., Date A.W., A finite volume procedure on unstructured meshes for fluid-structure interaction problems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011,
Chaudhari M., Puranik B., Agrawal A, Multiple orifice synthetic jet for improvement in impingement heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011,
Jain M., Puranik B., Agrawal A, A numerical investigation of effects of cavity and orifice parameters on the characteristics of a synthetic jet flow, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 2011,
Nair P., Jayachandran T., Deepu M., Puranik B.P., Bhandarkar U.V., Numerical simulation of interaction of sonic jet with high speed flow over a blunt body using solution mapped higher order accurate AUSM+-UP based flow solver, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2010,
Chaudhari M., Puranik B., Agrawal A., Heat transfer analysis in a rectangular duct without and with cross-flow and an impinging synthetic jet, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 2010,
Chaudhari M., Puranik B., Agrawal A, Effect of orifice shape in synthetic jet based impingement cooling, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2010,
Chaudhari M., Puranik B., Agrawal A., Heat transfer characteristics of synthetic jet impingement cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010,
Joshi H., Agarwal A., Puranik B., Shu C., Agrawal A, A hybrid FVM-LBM method for single and multi-fluid compressible flow problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2010,
Singh S.G., Bhide R.R., Duttagupta S.P., Puranik B.P., Agrawal A, Two-phase flow pressure drop characteristics in trapezoidal silicon microchannels, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 2009,
Nair P., Jayachandran T., Puranik B.C., Bhandarkar V.U., Development of a higher-order accurate reconstruction scheme with reduced least square matrix for convective and diffusive flux evaluation,, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2009,
Chaudhari M., Verma G., Puranik B., Agrawal A.,, Frequency response of a synthetic jet cavity, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2009,
Nair P., Jayachandran T., Puranik B., Bhandarkar U.V, Simulation of thermo-fluid interactions in cryogenic stage tnrbine startup system using AUSM+-UP-based higher-order accurate flow solver, Defence Science Journal, 2009,
Chaudhari M., Verma G., Baramade A., Puranik B., Agrawal A, Near-field measurements and cavity design for synthetic jet, 38th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2008,
Singh S.G., Kulkarni A., Duttagupta S.P., Puranik B.P., Agrawal A, Impact of aspect ratio on flow boiling of water in rectangular microchannels, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2008,
Singh S.G., Duttagupta S.P., Kulkarni A.M., Puranik B.P., Agrawal A, Experimental study of flow boiling in microchannel, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM, 2007,
Patankar P.U., Puranik B.P., Modifications and extensions to the annular flow model, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM, 2006,
Prather E., Puranik B., Three-dimensional simulation of thermoelectric devices with compact numerical models, Advances in Electronic Packaging, 2003,
Puranik B., Shabany Y., Optimum airflow management for multi-board rack-mount equipment, Advances in Electronic Packaging, 2003,
Anderson M.H., Puranik B.P., Oakley J.G., Brooks P.W., Bonazza R, Shock tube investigation of hydrodynamic issues related to inertial confinement fusion, Shock Waves, 2000,
Herman C., Kang E., Huang H., Puranik B., Experimental visualization of unsteady temperature fields in electronic cooling applications, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 1995,
Herman Cila, Puranik Bhalchandra, Kang Eric, Szokolai Sandor, Enhancement of convection cooling of integrated circuit components, Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1995,