Prof. Asim Tewari Publications
Bhargava M., Chakrabarty S., Barnwal V.K., Tewari A., Mishra S.K, Effect of microstructure evolution during plastic deformation on the formability of Transformation Induced Plasticity and Quenched & Partitioned AHSS, Materials and Design, 2017,
Hiremath C.P., Senthilnathan K., Naik N.K., Guha A., Tewari A., Microstructural damage based micromechanics model to predict stiffness reduction in damaged unidirectional composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2017,
Sharma R.K., Tewari A., Singh R.N., Kashyap B.P., Optimum shape and orientation of ?-hydride precipitate in ?-zirconium matrix for different temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,
Hiremath C.P., Senthilnathan K., Naik N.K., Guha A., Tewari A., Numerical Study and Experimental Validation of Effect of Varying Fiber Crack Density on Stiffness Reduction in CFRP Composites, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017,
Barnwal V.K., Chakrabarty S., Tewari A., Narasimhan K., Mishra S.K.,, Forming behavior and microstructural evolution during single point incremental forming process of AA-6061 aluminum alloy sheet, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017,
Hiremath C.P., Senthilnathan K., Naik N.K., Guha A., Tewari A, Microstructural damage based modeling of thermal conductivity of cyclically loaded CFRP, Composites Science and Technology, 2017,
Hodhigere Y., Jha J.S., Tewari A., Mishra S, Finite element analysis-based approach for stress concentration factor calculation, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2017,
Shinde V., Jha J., Tewari A., Miashra S., Modified rainflow counting algorithm for fatigue life calculation, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2017,
Hiremath C.P., Senthilnathan K., Naik N.K., Guha A., Tewari A, Mechanistic model for fiber crack density prediction in cyclically loaded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer during the damage initiation phase, Journal of Composite Materials, 2017,
Sharma R.K., Bind A.K., Avinash G., Singh R.N., Tewari A., Kashyap B.P., Effect of radial hydride fraction on fracture toughness of CWSR Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tube material between ambient and 300 degree C temperatures, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2017,
Barnwal V.K., Tewari A., Narasimhan K., Mishra S.K., Effect of plastic anisotropy on forming behavior of AA-6061 aluminum alloy sheet,, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2016,
Omar A., Harisankar K.R., Tewari A., Narasimhan K, Study of fracture behaviour and strain path during tube hydrforming process, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016,
Tripathi A., Tewari A., Kanjarla A.K., Srinivasan N., Reddy G.M., Zhu S.M., Nie J.F., Doherty R.D., Samajdar I., Microstructural Evolution During Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing of a Magnesium Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2016,
Omar A., Harisankar K.R., Tewari A., Narasimhan K, Effect of geometric parameters on formability and strain path during tube hydrforming process, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016,
Tripathi A., Samajdar I., Nie J.F., Tewari A, Study of grain structure evolution during annealing of a twin-roll-cast Mg alloy, Materials Characterization, 2016,
Lomate D., Tewari A., Date P.P., Ukhande M., Shegavi G., Singh R., Effect of induction hardening case depth on residual stresses, microstructural phases and fatigue strength of 38MnVS6 micro alloyed steel, Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2016, MS and T, 2016,
Kundalkar D., Mavalankar M., Tewari A., Effect of gas nitriding on the thermal fatigue behavior of martensitic chromium hot-work tool steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016,
Saxena A.K., Tewari A., Pant P, Quantitative analysis of orientation and near neighbor interaction effects during deformation of polycrystalline Ti6Al4V, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015,
Bhargava M., Tewari A., Mishra S.K., Forming limit diagram of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) based on strain-path diagram, Materials and Design, 2015,
Tripathi A., Tewari A., Srinivasan N., Reddy G.M., Zhu S.M., Nie J.F., Doherty R.D., Samajdar I., Microstructural Origin of Friction Stir Processed Zone in a Magnesium Alloy,, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2015,
Pawar O.A., Gaikhe Y.S., Tewari A., Sundaram R., Joshi S.S., Analysis of hole quality in drilling GLARE fiber metal laminates, Composite Structures, 2015,
Saxena A.K., Tewari A., Pant P, Loading and texture bias on the competitive slip activity for basal and prismatic slip systems in HCP alloys, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015,
Omar A., Tewari A., Narasimhan K., Formability and microstructure evolution during hydroforming of drawing quality welded steel tube, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2015,
Joshi S., Tewari A., Joshi S.S.,, Microstructural characterization of chip segmentation under different machining environments in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2015,
Hiremath C., Senthilnathan K., Guha A., Tewari A, Effect of Volume Fraction on Damage Accumulation for a Lattice Arrangement of Fibers in CFRP, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2015,
Kumar Saxena A., Anupoju M., Tewari A., Pant P, Effect of grain size on deformation twinning behavior of Ti6Al4V alloy, Materials Science Forum, 2015,
Mishra S.K., Tiwari S.M., Carter J.T., Tewari A., Texture evolution during annealing of AZ31 Mg alloy rolled sheet and its effect on ductility, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014,
Joshi S., Pawar P., Tewari A., Joshi S.S., Influence of ? phase fraction on deformation of grains in and around shear bands in machining of titanium alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2014,
Patil S., Joshi S., Tewari A., Joshi S.S., Modelling and simulation of effect of ultrasonic vibrations on machining of Ti6Al4V, Ultrasonics, 2014,
Joshi S., Pawar P., Tewari A., Joshi S.S., Effect of ? phase fraction in titanium alloys on chip segmentation in their orthogonal machining, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2014,
Joshi S., Pawar P., Tewari A., Joshi S.S., Tool wear mechanisms in machining of three titanium alloys with increasing ?-phase fraction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014,
Yagani H.V., Kulkarni P.M., Karunakaran K.P., Rana D., Tewari A, Characterization of additive manufactured objects,, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science,, 2014,
Tripathi A., Samajdar I., Tewari A., Kanjarla A.K., Srinivasan N., Reddy G.M., Nie J.F.,, Texture and microstructure developments during friction stir processing of magnesium alloy AZ31, Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013, MS and T, 2013,
Joshi S., Tewari A., Joshi S., Influence of preheating on chip segmentation and microstructure in orthogonal machining of Ti6Al4V, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2013,
Joseph S., Tewari A., Kumar S., The fracture characteristics of a near eutectic Al-Si based alloy under compression, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2013,
Bhargava M., Tewari A., Mishra S, Strain path diagram simulation of AA 5182 Aluminum alloy, Procedia Engineering, 2013,
Tewari A., Vijayalakshmi S., Tiwari S., Biswas P., Kim S., Mishra R.K., Kubic R., Sachdev A.K, Influence of microstructure on uniaxial strain localization in AA5754 aluminum sheets produced by various processing routes, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2013,
Tewari A., Suwas S., Srivastava D., Samajdar I., Haldar A, Preface, Materials Science Forum, 2012,
Biswas P., Narasimhan R., Tewari A, Influence of crack tip constraint on void growth in ductile FCC single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011,
Gollapudi S., Azeem M.A., Tewari A., Ramamurty U, Orientation dependence of the indentation impression morphology in a Mg alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2011,
Tewari A., Tiwari S., Biswas P., Vijayalakshmi S., Mishra R.K., Vectorized 3D microstructure for finite element simulations, Materials Characterization, 2010,
Tiwari S., Tewari A., Inherent limitations of bitmap discretization in quantitative microstructural analysis, Materials Characterization, 2010,
Tewari A., Biswas P., Effect of amount, size, and spatial distribution of intermetallics on incipient localization during plastic deformation,, Journal of Materials Science, 2010,
Azeem M.A., Tewari A., Ramamurty U., Effect of recrystallization and grain growth on the mechanical properties of an extruded AZ21 Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010,
Azeem M.A., Tewari A., Mishra S., Gollapudi S., Ramamurty U.,, Development of novel grain morphology during hot extrusion of magnesium AZ21 alloy, Acta Materialia, 2010,
Singh H., Gokhale A., Mao Y., Tewari A., Reconstruction, visualization, and quantitative characterization of multi-phase three-dimensional microstructures of cast aluminum alloys, Shape Casting: 3rd International Symposium , 2009,
Singh H., Gokhale A.M., Mao Y., Tewari A., Sachdev A.K., Reconstruction and quantitative characterization of multiphase, multiscale three-dimensional microstructure of a cast Al-Si base alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 2009,
Tewari A., Mishra S., Tiwari S, Understanding texture domains and relations between pre-eutectic and eutectic phase during Al-Si alloy solidification, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2009,
Singh H., Gokhale A.M., Mao Y., Tewari A., Sachdev A.K., Three-dimensional visualization and characterization of morphology and internal microstructural features of primary silicon crystals in a cast Al-Si base alloy, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009,
Singh H., Gokhale A.M., Tewari A., Zhang S., Mao Y., Three-dimensional visualization and quantitative characterization of primary silicon particles in an Al-Si base alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2009,
Tewari A., Tiwari S., Biswas P., Mishra R.K., Cluster identification in AA5754 aluminium sheets using mathematical morphology analysis, Journal of Microscopy, 2008,
Basu S.K., Tewari A., Fasulo P.D., Rodgers W.R., Transmission electron microscopy based direct mathematical quantifiers for dispersion in nanocomposites, Applied Physics Letters, 2007,
Tewari A., Stereological characterization of solidification microstructure, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2007,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M, Computations of contact distributions for representation of microstructural spatial clustering, Computational Materials Science, 2006,
Tewari A., Spowart J.E., Gokhale A.M., Mishra R.S., Miracle D.B., Characterization of the effects of friction stir processing on microstructural changes in DRA composites,, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M, Nearest-neighbor distributions in thin films, sheets, and plates, Acta Materialia, 2006,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Nearest neighbor distances in uniform-random poly-dispersed microstructures, Materials Science and Engineering A,, 2005,
Gokhale A.M., Tewari A., Garmestani H., Constraints on microstructural two-point correlation functions, Scripta Materialia, 2005,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Nearest-neighbor distances between particles of finite size in three-dimensional uniform random microstructures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., A geometric upper bound on the mean first nearest neighbour distance between particles in three-dimensional microstructures, Acta Materialia, 2004,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Spowart J.E., Miracle D.B, Quantitative characterization of spatial clustering in three-dimensional microstructures using two-point correlation functions, Acta Materialia, 2004,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Nearest neighbor distances in uniaxial fiber composites, Computational Materials Science, 2004,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Estimation of three-dimensional grain size distribution from microstructural serial sections, Materials Characterization, 2001,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Efficient estimation of number density in opaque material microstructures: The large-area disector, Journal of Microscopy, 2000,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., Application of three-dimensional digital image processing for reconstruction of microstructural volume from serial sections, Materials Characterization,, 2000,
Tewari A., Gokhale A.M., German R.M., Effect of gravity on three-dimensional coordination number distribution in liquid phase sintered microstructures, Acta Materialia, 1999,
Tewari A., Dighe M., Gokhale A.M, Quantitative Characterization of Spatial Arrangement of Micropores in Cast Microstructures, Materials Characterization, 1998,
Yang S., Tewari Asim, Gokhale Arun M, Modeling of non-uniform spatial arrangement of fibers in a ceramic matrix composite, Acta Materialia, 1997,