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Prof. Ankit Jain Publications

Ankit Jain,, Multichannel thermal transport in crystalline Tl3VSe4, Physical Review B, 2020,
Dhvaneel Visaria and Ankit Jain,,, Applied Physics Letters, 2020,
R A Flores, C Paolucci, K Winther, A. Jain et al, Active Learning Accelerated Discovery of Stable Iridium Oxide Polymorphs for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Chemistry of Materials, 2020,
AJH McGaughey, A. Jain, HY Kim, B. Fu, "Phonon properties and thermal conductivity from first principles, lattice dynamics, and the Boltzmann transport equation", Journal of Applied Physics , 2019,
O. Voznny, L Levina, J Fan, M Askerka, A. Jain et al, Machine Learning Accelerates Discovery of Optimal Colloidal Quantum Dot Synthesis, ACS Nano, 2019,
A. Jain and T. Bligaard, "Atomic-position independent descriptor for machine learning of material properties", Physical Review B, 2018,
M. I. Saidaminov, J. Kim, A. Jain, R. Q. Bermudez, H. Tan, et. al, "Suppression of atomic vacancies via incorporation of isovalent small ions to increase the stability of halide perovskite solar cells in ambient air", Nature Energy, 2018,
X. Gong, O. Voznyy, A. Jain, W. Liu, R. Sabatini, et. al, "Electron?phonon interaction in efficient perovskite blue emitters", Nature Materials, 2018,
CT Dinh, A. Jain, FPG Arquer, PD Luna, J. Li, et al, "Multi-site electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution in neutral media by destabilization of water molecules", Nature Energy, 2018,
H. Tan, A. Jain, O. Voznyy, X. Lan, F. P. G. D. Arquer, et. al, "Efficient and stable solution-processed planar perovskite solar cells via contact passivation", Science , 2017,
L. N. Quan, R. Q. Bermuez, O. Voznyy, G. Walters, A. Jain, et. al, "Highly Emissive Green Perovskite Nanocrys- tals in a Solid State Crystalline Matrix", Advanced Materials , 2017,
A. Jain, O. Voznyy, and E. H. Sargent, "High-throughput screening of lead-free perovskite-like materials for optoelectronic applications.", The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2017,
K. D. Parrish, J. Abel, A. Jain, J. A. Malen, and A. J. H. McGaughey,, "Phonon-boundary scattering in nanoporous silicon films: Comparison of Monte Carlo techniques", Journal of Applied Physics, 2017,
A. Jain, O. Voznyy, M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak, and E. H. Sargent, "Ultrafast Carrier Trapping in Thick- Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots", The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017,
F. Fan, O. Voznyy, R. P. Sabatini K. T.Bicanic, M. M. Adachi, et. al, "Continuous-wave lasing in colloidal quantum dot solids enabled by facet-selective epitaxy", Nature, 2017,
A. Jain, O. Voznyy, S. Hoogland, M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak, and E. H. Sargent, "Atomistic design of CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots with suppressed Auger recombination.", Nano Letters , 2016,
A. Jain and A. J. H. McGaughey, "Thermal transport by phonons and electrons in aluminum, silver, and gold from first principles.", Physical Review B, 2016,
O. Voznyy, J. H. Mokkath, A. Jain, E. H. Sargent, and U. Schwingenschlogl, "Computational Study of Magic- Size CdSe Clusters with Complementary Passivation by Carboxylic and Amine Ligands.", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016,
Y. Kim, Z. Yang, A. Jain, O. Voznyy, G. H. Kim, et al., "Pure Cubic-Phase Hybrid Iodobismuthates AgBi2I7 for Thin-Film Photovoltaics.", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016,
R. Comin, M. K. Crawford, A. H. Said, N. Herron, W. E. Guise, et al. , "Lattice dynamics and the nature of structural transitions in organolead halide perovskites.", Physical Review B, 2016,
A. Jain and A. J. H. McGaughey, "Strongly anisotropic in-plane thermal transport in single-layer black phos- phorene", Scientific Reports, 2015,
A. Jain and A. J. H. McGaughey,, "Effect of exchange-correlation on the first-principles-driven lattice thermal conductivity prediction of crystalline solids.", Computational Materials Science, 2015,
Z. Liang, A. Jain, A. J. H. McGaughey, and P. Keblinski, "Molecular Simulations and Lattice Dynamics Determination of GaN Thermal Conductivity.", Journal of Applied Physics , 2015,
K. D. Parrish, A. Jain, J. Larkin, W. A. Saidi, and A. J. H. McGaughey, "Origins of Thermal Conductivity Changes in Strained Systems", Physical Review B, 2014,
A. Jain and A. J. H. McGaughey, "Thermal conductivity of compound semiconductors: Interplay of mass density and acoustic-optical phonon frequency gap", Journal of Applied Physics, 2014,
A. Jain, Y.-J. Yu, and A. J. H. McGaughey, "Phonon transport in periodic silicon nanoporous films with feature sizes greater than 100 nm.", Physical Review B, 2013,
A. J. H. McGaughey and A. Jain, "Nanostructure thermal conductivity prediction by Monte Carlo sampling of phonon free paths.", Applied Physics Letters, 2012,