Prof. Amol A. Gokhale Publications
- 2023
- 2022
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1994
- 1992
Srinivasa Rao Nandam, A Venugopal Rao, Amol A Gokhale, Suhas S Joshi, Laser Surface Remelting in Single-Crystal Nickel-based Superalloy using a Continuous Wave Fiber Laser, Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2023,
Srinivasa Rao Nandam, A Venugopal Rao, Amol A. Gokhale and Suhas S Joshi, Laser Surface Modification of Single-Crystal Nickel-based Superalloy: Geometry, Microstructure, Crack Morphology, and Microhardness, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023,
Chitralekha Dey, Amol A. Gokhale, Shiba N Sahu, Shock Transmission and Amplification / Mitigation in Aluminium Foams,, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023,
Ashish Dhole, Anirban Patra, Rohit Kumar Gupta, Amol A Gokhale, I Samajdar, Surface Hardening through Oxygen Diffusion in Niobium: The Defining Role of Stress Inhomogeneity in Tensile Embrittlement, Materials Science and Engineering A,, 2023,
Nandam Srinivasa Rao, A Venugopal Rao, Amol A Gokhale and S S Joshi, Experimental Study on Laser Induced Surface Damage of a Single-Crystal Nickel-based Superalloy under CW Fiber Laser Scanning Process submitted, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2022,
Chitralekha Dey, Shiba N Sahu, Kiran Akella and Amol A Gokhale, A micromechanical approach to predict quasi-static compression, indentation impact and shock loading behaviour of aluminium foams, Journal of Dynamic Behaviour of Materials, 2022,
Ashish Dhole, Amrita Bhattacharya, Rene de Kloe, Rohit Kumar Gupta, Amol A. Gokhale, and I. Samajdar, Orientation Dependent Interface Morphology and Oxide Stability in a Commercial Niobium Alloy: Explaining Experimental Results with Density Functional Theory,, Acta Materialia, 2022,
Mahesh Thorat, Shiba N. Sahu, Viren Menezes, Amol A. Gokhale, Back-face-signature-monitored evaluation of foam-sandwich structures as shock mitigating materials, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022,
S.F. Tikhov, K.R. Valeev, S.V. Cherepanova, V.I. Zaikovskii, A.N. Salanov, V.A. Sadykov, D.V. Dudina, O.I. Lomovsky, S.A. Petrov, O.L. Smorygo, A.A. Gokhale, Elimination of composition segregation in 33Al-45Cu-22Fe (at.%) powder by two-stage high-energy mechanical alloying, Materials, 2022,
Gaurav Kumar, Sumit Ghosh, Sakari Pallaspuro, Mahesh C. Somani, Jukka Komi, Sushil K. Mishra, Amol A Gokhale, Fracture toughness characteristics of thermo-mechanically rolled direct quenched and partitioned steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022,
Savitha U., Srinivas V., Jagan Reddy G., Gokhale A.A., Sundararaman M, Additive laser deposition of YSZ on Ni base superalloy for thermal barrier application, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018,
Chaudhary S., Sankar M., Prasad V.V.S., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A, Effect of tungsten and zirconium on structure and properties of niobium, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2018,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Gokhale A.A, ,Role of Temperature and SiCP Parameters in Stability and Quality of Al-Si-Mg/SiC Foams, JOM, 2018,
Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Mehra A, Effect of Foaming Temperature on Bubble Size Distribution of Liquid Aluminium Foam: Modeling and Experimental Studies, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals,, 2018,
Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Mehra A, Bubble Size Distribution in Foaming of Liquid Aluminum and the Role of Coarsening and Coalescence, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017,
Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Mehra A., Prediction of Bubble Size Distribution in Aluminium Foam as a Function of %Titanium Hydride Addition, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2017,
Khaple S., Prasad V.V.S., Golla B.R., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A., Effect of TiB2 and ZrB2 additions on structure and properties of Fe-7Al based light weight steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,
Sankar M., Satya Prasad V.V., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A., Melting, Processing and Characterization of Nb-10W-2.5Zr (Cb-752) Alloy,, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2017,
Sankar M., Mirji K.V., Prasad V.V.S., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A., Purification of Niobium by Electron Beam Melting, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2016,
Savitha U., Jagan Reddy G., Venkataramana A., Sambasiva Rao A., Gokhale A.A., Sundararaman M, Chemical analysis, structure and mechanical properties of discrete and compositionally graded SS316-IN625 dual materials, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015,
Sankar M., Satya Prasad V.V., Baligidad R.G., Alam M.Z., Das D.K., Gokhale A.A., Microstructure, oxidation resistance and tensile properties of silicide coated Nb-alloy C-103, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015,
Savitha U., Reddy G.J., Venkataramana A., Gokhale A.A., Sundararaman M., Effect of Process Parameters on Solidification Structure and Properties of Laser Deposited SS316 Alloy, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2015,
Manvatkar V.D., Gokhale A.A., Reddy G.J., Savitha U., De A, Investigation on laser engineered net shaping of multilayered structures in H13 tool steel, Journal of Laser Applications, 2015,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Gokhale A.A, Compressive behaviour of Al-Si-Mg/SiCP foams, Materials Science Forum, 2015,
Sankar M., Satya Prasad V.V., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A., Effect of vacuum arc remelting and processing parameters on structure and properties of high purity niobium, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2015,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Ramachandra Rao N., Gokhale A.A, Effect of SiC particle content on foaming and mechanical properties of remelted and diluted A356/SiC composite, Materials Science and Engineering A,, 2014,
Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Mehra A, Modeling nucleation and growth of bubbles during foaming of molten aluminum with high initial gas supersaturation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,, 2014,
Mikutski V., Smorygo O., Shchurevich D., Marukovich A., Ilyushchenko A., Gokhale A., Nadella R., Sadykov V., Usoltsev V, Open-cell metal-SiC composite foams made by electrolytic codeposition on polyurethane substrates, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 2014,
Madhusudhan Reddy G., Gokhale A.A., Welding aspects of aluminum-lithium alloys, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2013,
Singh V., Gokhale A.A., Melting and casting of aluminum-lithium alloys, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2013,
Jagan Reddy G., Wanhill R.J.H., Gokhale A.A, Mechanical working of aluminum-lithium alloys, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2013,
Prasad K.S., Prasad N.E., Gokhale A.A., Microstructure and Precipitate Characteristics of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2013,
Sankar M., Baligidad R.G., Gokhale A.A., Effect of oxygen on microstructure and mechanical properties of niobium, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013,
Sankar M., Baligidad R.G., Satyanarayana D.V.V., Gokhale A.A., Effect of internal oxidation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of C-103 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013,
Wanhill R.J.H., Prasad N.E., Gokhale A.A., Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2013,
Smorygo O., Marukovich A., Mikutski V., Gokhale A.A., Reddy G.J., Kumar J.V., High-porosity titanium foams by powder coated space holder compaction method, Materials Letters, 2012,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Gokhale H., Gokhale A.A, Role of SiC P on processing and physical characteristics of Al-Si- Mg/SiC P composite foams, Materials Science Forum, 2012,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Gokhale A.A, Processing and stability of LM25/SiCP composite foams, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2012,
Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Mehra A., Numerical prediction of effect of oxide characteristics on heterogeneous nucleation of bubbles in aluminium foaming, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2012,
Savitha U., Gokhale H., Reddy G.J., Venkataramana A., Gokhale A.A., Sundararaman M, Effect of process parameters on porosity in laser deposited IN625 alloy, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2012,
Manvatkar V.D., Gokhale A.A., Jagan Reddy G., Venkataramana A., De A., Estimation of melt pool dimensions, thermal cycle, and hardness distribution in the laser-engineered net shaping process of austenitic stainless steel,, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2011,
Gokhale A.A., Ravi Kumar N.V., Sudhakar B., Sahu S.N., Basumatary H., Dhara S., Cellular metals and ceramics for defence applications, Defence Science Journal, 2011,
Manvatkar V.D., De A., Gokhale A.A., Jagan Reddy G., An integrated approach towards estimation of build profile and mechanical properties in LENS® deposit of H13 tool steel,, Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2011,
Srinath G., Vadiraj A., Balachandran G., Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A, Characteristics of aluminium metal foam for automotive applications, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2010,
Reddy G.J., Srinivasan N., Gokhale A.A., Kashyap B.P, Effect of HIPing on microstructure and properties of spray formed Al-Li alloy UL40, Powder Metallurgy, 2010,
Nadella R., Sahu S.N., Gokhale A.A., Foaming characteristics of Al-Si-Mg (LM25) alloy prepared by liquid metal processing, Materials Science and Technology, 2010,
Ravi Kumar N.V., Ramachandra Rao N., Sudhakar B., Gokhale A.A, Foaming experiments on LM25 alloy reinforced with SiC particulates, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010,
Jagan Reddy G., Srinivasan N., Gokhale A.A., Kashyap B.P., Processing map for hot working of spray formed and hot isostatically pressed Al-Li alloy (UL40), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009,
Vijh G., Gokhale A., Mishra S., Singh V., Viswanathan N.N, Solid freeform fabrication of aluminum alloy components: Numerical simulations, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2009,
Rajendran R., Prem Sai K., Chandrasekar B., Gokhale A., Basu S, Impact energy absorption of aluminium foam fitted AISI 304L stainless steel tube, Materials and Design, 2009,
Rajendran R., Prem Sai K., Chandrasekar B., Gokhale A., Basu S., Preliminary investigation of aluminium foam as an energy absorber for nuclear transportation cask, Materials and Design, 2008,
Jagan Reddy G., Srinivasan N., Gokhale A.A., Kashyap B.P, Characterisation of dynamic recovery during hot deformation of spray formed Al-Li alloy (UL40) using processing map approach, Materials Science and Technology, 2008,
Gokhale A.A., Sahu S.N., Kulkarni V.K.W.R., Sudhakar B., Rao N.R., Effect of titanium hydride powder characteristics and aluminium alloy composition on foaming, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2007,
Gokhale A.A., Singh V., Effect of Zr content and mechanical working on the structure and tensile properties of AA8090 alloy plates, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2005,
Singh V., Gokhale A.A., Aluminium alloy cast shell development for torpedoes, Defence Science Journal, 2005,
Singh V., Prasad K.S., Gokhale A.A., Microstructure and age hardening response of cast Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 2004,
Singh V., Prasad K.S., Gokhale A.A., Effect of minor Sc additions on structure, age hardening and tensile properties of aluminium alloy AA8090 plate, Scripta Materialia, 2004,
Mallesham P., Gokhale A.A., Dutta A., Murti V.S.R., Interface microstructure and bond shear strength of aluminum alloy AA8090/AA7072 roll clad sheets, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2003,
Eswara Prasad N., Gokhale A.A., Rama Rao P, Mechanical behaviour of aluminium-lithium alloys,, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 2003,
Mallesham P., Gokhale A.A., Murti V.S.R., Nature of the interface between AA7072 alloy explosively clad to AA8090 aluminium alloy, Journal of Materials Science, 2003,
Shelwatkar D.A., Madhusudhan Reddy G., Gokhale A.A., Gas tungsten arc welding studies on similar and dissimilar combinations of Al-Zn-Mg alloy RDE 40 and Al-Li alloy 1441, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2002,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Rao K.P, Effect of the ratio of peak and background current durations on the fusion zone microstructure of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welded Al-Li alloy, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2002,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Janaki Ram N.N., Prasad Rao K., Influence of welding techniques on microstructure and pitting corrosion behaviour of 1441 grade Al-Li alloy gas tungsten arc welds, British Corrosion Journal, 2001,
Satya Prasad K., Gokhale A.A., Mukhopadhyay A.K., Banerjee D., Goel D.B, Sequence of precipitation of T2 and phases during ageing of Al-Li alloy 8090C,, Materials Science Forum, 2000,
Singh V., Gokhale A.A., Control of grain structure through transition elemental additions in an Al-Li base alloy, Materials Science Forum, 2000,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Saxena V.K., Prasad Rao K., Effect of welding techniques on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium-lithium alloy welds, Materials Science Forum, 2000,
Satya Prasad K., Gokhale A.A., Mukhopadhyay A.K., Banerjee D., Goel D.B, Sequence of precipitation of T2 and ? phases during ageing of Al-Li alloy 8090C, Materials Science Forum, 2000,
Prakash U., Raghu T., Gokhale A.A., Kamat S.V., Microstructure and mechanical properties of RSP/M Al-Fe-V-Si and Al-Fe-Ce alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 1999,
Satya Prasad K., Gokhale A.A., Mukhopadhyay A.K., Banerjee D., Goel D.B, On the formation of faceted Al3Zr (??) precipitates in Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr alloys, Acta Materialia, 1999,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Prasad Rao K., Effect of filler metal composition on the microstructure of Al-Li alloy (1441) welds, International Journal for the Joining of Materials, 1998,
Prakash U., Raghu T., Kamat S.V., Gokhale A.A., The effect of Mg addition on microstructure and tensile and stress rupture properties of a P/M Al-Fe-Ce alloy, Scripta Materialia, 1998,
Singh A.K., Saha G.G., Gokhale A.A., Ray R.K, Evolution of texture and microstructure in a thermomechanically processed Al-Li-Cu-Mg alloy,, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1998,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Prasad Rao K.,, Effect of filler metal composition on weldability of Al-Li alloy 1441, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 1998,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Prasad Rao K., Optimisation of pulse frequency in pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding of aluminium-lithium alloy sheets, Materials Science and Technology, 1998,
Reddy G.M., Gokhale A.A., Prasad K.S., Prasad Rao K, Chill zone formation in Al-Li alloy welds, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 1998,
Dutta A., Gokhale A.A., Prasad K.S., Banerjee D., Isothermal forging and TMP for development of superplasticity in Al-Li alloy, Materials Science Forum, 1997,
Madhusudhan Reddy G., Gokhale A.A., Prasad Rao K., Weld microstructure refinement in a 1441 grade aluminium-lithium alloy, Journal of Materials Science, 1997,
Prasad K.S., Mukhopadhyay A.K., Gokhale A.A., Banerjee D., Goel D.B, ? Precipitation in an AlLiCuMgZr alloy, Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, 1994,
Prasad K.S., Gokhale A.A., Banerjee D., Goel D.B., New nanocrystalline regions in 1420 AlLi alloy, Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, 1992,